Plexi's Website

Welcome! Please pardon the dust.

Hello world! You are page access: 20925

Oh gosh, that's better

It's amazing what a little CSS can do to a website. The styling isn't exactly where I want it to be, but it's way better than it was. At this point I think it's probably good enough that I can move my focus to the next stage of my plan: an integrated RSS reader. I think it makes a lot of sense to have the RSS reader be in the same place as the blog. It'll keep me on top of things when dealing with website issues, and maybe I can figure out some sort of reposting method. But maybe I should focus on markdown support first - I'm sorely in need of paragraph breaks.

It's pretty bad right now.

So I had the bright idea of writing my own blogging software. I had all these hopeful aspirations, but ultimately wasn't able to deliver on them before the cohost read-only deadline. Right now everything is incredibly basic, but hopefully I'll keep up development and things will look nicer soon. If you're interested you can look through my code at